Solveno Consulting

Sales Compensation

Our sales compensation service is engineered to support our clients in designing and implementing clear, measurable goals for their sales teams. We help our clients create a sales performance and compensation plan that aligns with their business strategy, and is optimized to drive revenue growth and retain top sales talent.

Any company without clear sales performance targets and a compensation plan is likely to face a number of challenges. This can cause the sales teams not being aligned with company goals, leading to a misalignment of priorities and a lack of collaboration. This will typically result in low motivation and no clear direction among sales employees, meaning poor sales performance and a decrease in revenue. This can lead to high employee turnover rates and make it difficult to attract and retain top sales talent, limiting the company’s potential for growth and success.

The consequences of not having the right sales compensation metrics in place

The Solveno approach to sales compensation

and Diagnosis

Assess existing sales performance measurements, profitability and overall company goals.

Sales compensation Strategy

Define a comprehensive set of sales performance and compensation metrics to maximize impact on overall company sales objectives.

and measure

Recurring performance measurement providing visibility for compensation purposes.

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